1. One reviewer said: “[Shohei’s] struggle against the slide of life has an impact for all who’ve contemplated their own existence; his solution might not suit all, but at least Shohei makes an effort. The big question is whether you should be out there exploring a new future rather than in here absorbing yet another movie!”(Damian Cannon. Movie Reviews UK 1998) What is “the slide of life” to which Mr. Cannon refers? Do you see “the slide of life” taking hold in your parents and older relatives? Describe it. What have they done about it? What will you do about it when you begin to feel the “slide?”
Suggested Response:
The “slide of life” is when a person feels his potentials shutting down and he realizes that the life he has chosen is limited in some way. We all feel this because, for all of us, living life involves choosing some things and not others. For example, we will choose one profession, but not another. We will choose to have children or not to have them. We will choose to get married or not to get married. People in middle age can feel this most acutely.
2. What happens to the relationship between Shohei and his wife through the film?
3. Does Sohei’s infatuation with Mai mean that he doesn’t love his wife and that he should get a divorce?
Discussion Questions Relating to Ethical Issues will facilitate the use of this film to teach ethical principles and critical viewing. Additional questions are set out below.
(Do what you are supposed to do; Persevere: keep on trying!; Always do your best; Use self-control; Be self-disciplined; Think before you act — consider the consequences; Be accountable for your choices)
1. How do the various aspects of this Pillar apply to the actions of Shohei portrayed in this film?