Full-Length Movies — Short Subjects — Movie Clips — Film Clips — Video Clips — Snippets
Each Lesson Plan on this Index uses a short subject, clip or snippet which is 40 minutes or less.
The suggested ages for the Snippet Lesson Plan are shown in brackets.

Donald in Mathmagic Land
The Wonders of Mathematics and Its Origins in Greece: including Golden Rectangles, the Fibonacci Sequence; harmonics and more using Donald in Mathmagic Land
[7+; short subject lasting 21 minutes]
Cosmic Voyage
Powers of Ten — Exponents, Scientific Notation, and Numeral Systems (Math and Science & Technology)
[12+: middle and high school levels; Film Clip: 9 minutes; Lesson: not applicable – the film clips and supplemental materials presented in this Snippet Lesson Plan are designed to supplement teachers’ existing lesson plans on the topics covered.]