June 8th

World Ocean Day is an international day that takes place annually on 8 June. The purpose of the Day is to inform the public of the impact of human actions on the ocean, develop a worldwide movement of citizens for the ocean, and mobilize and unite the world’s population on a project for the sustainable management of the world’s oceans.

Finding Nemo

(Marine Biology (Science/Technology); SEL: Father/Son; Friendship; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Responsibility; Respect) [9-12]

Finding Nemo

Talking and Playing for Growth

(Science (Marine Biology); SEL: Father/Son; Friendship; Moral-Ethical Emphasis

Ice Age: The Meltdown

Talking and Playing for Growth

(The Environment; SEL: Friendship; Courage; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Responsibility (Taking Care of the Environment) [6 – 8]

The Year the Earth Changed

(The Environment; SEL: Surviving; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Respect) [8+]