November 11th

Veterans Day is a federal holiday in the United States observed annually on November 11, for honoring military veterans, who are people who have served in the United States Armed Forces.

Music Within

The Best of TWM

(U.S. 1945 – 1991; Health (disabilities; effects of early-life trauma); SEL: Disabilities; Work/Career; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Respect; Citizenship) [14+]

Travis: A Soldier’s Story

The Best of TWM

(Health (Resilience); U.S. 1991 – Current; World/Afghanistan; SEL: Courage in War; Surviving; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Responsibility) [14+]

Winslow Homer: An American Original

(U.S./1861 – 1913; Visual Arts; Medicine-Psychiatry; Biography; SEL: Talent; Grieving; Mental Illness; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Trustworthiness; Responsibility) [8 – 12]