The suggested age range appears in brackets at the end of each entry. Topics relating to Social and Emotional Learning
appear after the term “SEL”. “Moral-Ethical Emphasis” is a reference to Character Counts’ Six Pillars of Character.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Rabbit-Proof Fence
(World/Australia; SEL: Human Rights; Courage; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Respect) [10+]
A Raisin in the Sun
The Best of TWM
(U.S./1945 – 1991, Diversity/African-American; & Illinois; Drama/U.S; SEL: Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Marriage, Families in Crisis; Female Role Model; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Respect; Fairness) [12+]
The Simpsons
Snippet Lesson Plan
The Raven section of the Second Season, Treehouse of Horror Episode — Introducing the Poetry of Edgar Allan Poe Using “The Simpsons” and “The Ladykillers” [14+; snippets: 8 minutes; lesson: from one to three 45 – 55 minute classes, depending on the assignments given]
The Red Badge of Courage
(U.S./1860 – 1865; Literature/U.S.; SEL: Redemption, Coming of Age; Courage in War; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Responsibility) [10+]
The Red Shoes
[Dance; Music/Classical; SEL: Talent; Work/Career; Ethical Emphasis: Trustworthiness; Citizenship) [12+]
The Relic
Snippet Lesson Plan
Viruses and the Speed of Evolution Using The Relic [14+; snippet: 3 minutes; lesson: 30 minutes.]
Remember the Titans
The Best of TWM
(U.S./1945 – 1991, Diversity/African-American; & Virginia; Sports/Football; SEL: Breaking Out; Friendship; Teamwork; Leadership; Male Role Model; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Respect; Responsibility; Fairness; Citizenship) [11+]
Richard III
(Drama/England; World/England SEL: Brothers; Ambition; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: General) [12+ ]
The Right Stuff
The Best of TWM
(U.S./1945 – 1991; Aviation & Space Exploration; SEL: Friendship; Teamwork, Courage; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Responsibility) [12+]
Robot and Frank
Snippet Lesson Plan
Robot Ethics — using film clips from Robot and Frank [12+ — Middle School/Jr. High and High School Levels; Snippets15 minutes]
Romeo and Juliet
The Best of TWM
(Drama/England; SEL: Fighting; Romantic Relationships; Suicide; Revenge; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Respect; Caring) [12+]
The Rookie
(Sports/Baseball; U.S./1991 – present; SEL: Talent; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Trustworthiness; Responsibility; Caring) [9+]

Eleanor Roosevelt
(Biography; U.S./1865 – 1991; Politics; SEL: Leadership; Female Role Model; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Caring, Citizenship) [10+]
Roots Vol. I
(U.S./1629 – 1750 & Diversity/African-American; World/Africa; SEL: Coming of Age; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Responsibility) [12+]
Roots Vol. II
(U.S./1629 – 1750 & Diversity/African-American; SEL: Surviving; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Respect) [12+]
Roots Vol. III
(U.S. 1750 – 1812 & Diversity/African-American; SEL: Surviving; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Respect) [12+]
Roots Vol. IV
(U.S./1812 – 1860 & Diversity/African-American; SEL: Rebellion; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Respect) [12+]
Roots Vol. V
(U.S./1812 – 1860 & Diversity/African-American; SEL: Father/Son; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Respect) [12+]
Roots Vol. VI
(U.S./1865 – 1913 & Diversity/African-American; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Respect) [12+]
Rossini’s Ghost
(Biography; Music/Opera; World/Italy; SEL: Talent; Friendship; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Responsibility) [6 – 12]
(Drama; ELA: irony; characterization; SEL: Romantic Relationships; Self-esteem; Moral-Ethical Emphasis Respect) [12+]
The Russians are Coming the Russians are Coming
(U.S./1945 – 1991 & Massachusetts; SEL: Peace/Peacemakers; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Caring) [8 – 12]
Ryan’s Daughter
(World/Ireland & WWI; SEL: Romantic Relationships; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Trustworthiness; Respect; Caring) [15+]
The suggested age range appears in brackets at the end of each entry. Topics relating to Social and Emotional Learning
appear after the term “SEL”. “Moral-Ethical Emphasis” is a reference to Character Counts’ Six Pillars of Character.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z