Mental Illness
Create Lesson Plans About Mental Illness Using Movies
Beautiful Dreamers
(Male Role Model; Mental Illness; Breaking Out; Friendship; Ethical Emphasis: Respect; Subjects: Biography/Whitman; Literature/U.S.; World/Canada; Medicine) [12+; useful for getting students to read and appreciate the poetry of Walt Whitman]
Lust for Life
(Talent; Brothers; Mental Illness; Suicide; Ethical Emphasis: Caring; Subjects: Biography/Van Gogh; World/France; Visual Arts) [12+]
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
(Literature/U.S.; SEL: Child Abuse; Courage; GBLTQ; Friendship; Romantic Relationships; Mental Illness; Suicide; Ethical Emphasis: Caring) [14+]
To Kill A Mockingbird
(Justice; Male Role Model; Courage; Mental Illness; Parenting; Disabilities; Ethical Emphasis: Trustworthiness; Respect; Responsibility; Fairness; Caring; Citizenship; Subjects: U.S./1929 – 1941, the Law & Diversity; Literature/U.S. & Literary Devices) [11+; Literary devices analyzed: symbol; flashback; irony; humor]
Vincent: The Life and Death of Vincent Van Gogh
(Talent; Brothers, Mental Illness; Suicide; Ethical Emphasis: Caring; Subjects: Biography; World/France; Visual Arts) [12+]
Winslow Homer: An American Original
(Talent; Grieving; Mental Illness; Ethical Emphasis: Trustworthiness; Responsibility; Subjects: U.S./1861 – 1913; Visual Arts; Medicine-Psychiatry; Biography) [8 – 12]