September 15th – October 15th
National Hispanic Heritage Month is a period from September 15 to October 15 in the United States for recognizing the contributions and influence of Latinex Americans to the history, culture, and achievements of the United States.
A Better Life
(U.S. 1991 – Current; Hispanic & California; SEL: Father/Son; Courage; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Respect) [13+]
El Norte
(U.S./1945 to present, Diversity & California; World/Guatemala; SEL: Human Rights; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Respect) [14+]
Cesar Chavez: Respect for All
(U.S. 1945 – current, Diversity; Hispanic-Americans & California; SEL: Leadership; GBLTQ; Caring for Animals; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Respect) [10+; 22 minutes]
Mi Familia
(U.S. 1929 – 1991; Hispanic & California; World/Mexico; SEL: Families in Crisis; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Caring) [13+]
Spare Parts
(Science-Technology; U.S. 1991 – Current, Hispanic & Arizona; SEL: Education; Breaking Out; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Responsibility) [13+]
Stand and Deliver
(U.S./1941 – 1996, Diversity & California; Mathematics; ELA; SEL: Male Role Model; Self-esteem; Education; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Trustworthiness; Responsibility; Citizenship) [12+; Literary devices analyzed: character, symbols, subplot, foils, and irony]

October 1st – October 31st
Italian-American Heritage and Culture Month is celebrated by the proclamation of the President and Congress in the United States to honor the achievements and contributions of Italian immigrants and their descendants living in the United States, particularly in the arts, science, and culture.
Beautiful Dreamers
The Best of TWM
(Biography/Whitman; Literature/U.S.; World/Canada; Medicine; SEL: Male Role Model; Mental Illness; Breaking Out; Friendship; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Respect) [12+; useful for getting students to read and appreciate the poetry of Walt Whitman]
Galileo: On the Shoulders of Giants
(Biography; Science-Technology; World/Italy & the Renaissance; SEL: Brothers; Education; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Trustworthiness; Respect) [8 – 13]
Handel’s Last Chance
(Biography; Music/Classical; World/England & Ireland; SEL: Talent; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Trustworthiness; Caring) [6-12]
Much Ado About Nothing
(Drama/England; SEL: Romantic Relationships; Brothers; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Trustworthiness; Fairness) [10+]
National Bullying Prevention Month
October 1st – October 31st
National Bullying Prevention Month is a campaign in the United States founded in 2006 by PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center. The campaign is held during the month of October and unites communities nationwide to educate and raise awareness of bullying prevention.
The Social Dilemma
Netflix documentary with fictional scenes (Health); [11+; 93 minutes]
Date Specific
World Vegetarian Day
October 1st
World Vegetarian Day is observed annually around the planet on October 1. It is a day of celebration established by the North American Vegetarian Society in 1977 and endorsed by the International Vegetarian Union in 1978, “To promote the joy, compassion and life-enhancing possibilities of vegetarianism.”
(The Environmentment; SEL: Surviving; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Responsibility) [13+]
Forks Over Knives
(Health; Medicine; SEL: Taking Care of Yourself; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Responsibility) [12+]
Super Size Me
Lesson Plan
For Health Classes based on “Super Size Me” (U.S./1991 – present; Medicine; SEL: Taking Care of Yourself; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Responsibility) [11+]
Historical Birthdays
Mahatma Gandhi
October 2, 1869
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was an Indian lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist, and political ethicist, who employed nonviolent resistance to lead the successful campaign for India’s independence from British rule, and in turn inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world.
The Best of TWM
(Biography; World/India, South Africa, England & 1800s – Cold War Era; U.S./Diversity; Religions; SEL: Rebellion; Peace/Peacemakers; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Trustworthiness; Respect; Responsibility; Fairness; Caring; Citizenship) [10+]
Eleanor Roosevelt
October 11, 1884
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt was an American political figure, diplomat and activist. She served as the First Lady of the United States from March 4, 1933, to April 12, 1945, during her husband President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s four terms in office, making her the longest-serving First Lady of the United States.
Eleanor Roosevelt
(Biography; U.S./1865 – 1991; Politics; SEL: Leadership; Female Role Model; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Caring, Citizenship) [10+]
Franz Liszt
October 22, 1811
Franz Liszt was a Hungarian composer, virtuoso pianist, conductor, music teacher, arranger, and organist of the Romantic era. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest pianists of all time. He was also a writer, philanthropist, Hungarian nationalist, and Franciscan tertiary.
Liszts’ Rhapsody
(Biography; Music/Classical; SEL Talent; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Respect) [6 – 12]
Georges Bizet
October 25, 1838
Georges Bizet, registered at birth as Alexandre César Léopold Bizet, was a French composer of the Romantic era.
Bizet’s Dream
(Biography; Music/Opera; World/France; SEL: Father/Daughter; Talent; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Responsibility) [9 – 12]
Johann Strauss II
October 25, 1825
Johann Strauss II, also known as Johann Strauss Jr., the Younger, the Son, was an Austrian composer of light music, particularly dance music and operettas. He composed over 500 waltzes, polkas, quadrilles, and other types of dance music, as well as several operettas and a ballet.
Strauss: The King of Three-Quarter Time
(Biography; Music/Classical; World/Austria; SEL: Friendship; Child Abuse; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Caring) [6 – 12]
Michael Collins
October 31, 1930
Michael Collins was an American astronaut who flew the Apollo 11 command module Columbia around the Moon in 1969 while his crewmates, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, made the first crewed landing on the surface. He was also a test pilot and major general in the U.S. Air Force Reserves.
Michael Collins
The Best of TWM
(Biography; World/Ireland; SEL: Courage in War; Breaking Out; Peace/Peacemakers; Rebellion; Moral-Ethical Emphasis: Trustworthiness; Respect) [14+]