Create Lesson Plans About Alcohol and Drug Abuse Using Movies
(Humility; Alcohol and Drug Abuse; Talent; Ethical Emphasis: Responsibility; Caring; Subjects: Biography/Mozart; Music/Classical; World/Austria) [12+]
Anne B. Real
(Breaking Out; Coming of Age; Alcohol & Drug Abuse; Courage; Crime; Education; Families in Crisis; Surviving; Talent; Ethical Emphasis: Responsibility; Caring; Subjects: U.S./1991 – present and New York) [12+]
Courage Under Fire
(Marriage, Redemption; Leadership; Suicide; Alcohol and Drug Abuse; Courage in War; Ethical Emphasis: Trustworthiness; Responsibility; Subjects: U.S./1991 – Present) [12+]
Desert Bloom
(Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Child Abuse, Running Away, Coming of Age; Families in Crisis; Ethical Emphasis: Responsibility; Caring; Subjects: U.S./1945 – 1991 & Nevada) [13+]
Fahrenheit 451
(Rebellion; Ethical Emphasis: Respect; Subjects: Science Fiction) [12+]
(Breaking Out; Alcohol and Drug Abuse; Human Rights; Brothers; Friendship; Suicide; Ethical Emphasis: Respect; Fairness; Subjects: Science Fiction) [14+]
Gracie’s Choice
(Alcohol & Drug; Abuse; Families In Crisis; Mother/Daughter; Parenting; Ethical Emphasis: Trustworthiness; Caring; Subjects: Health; U.S./1991 – present) [10+]
Hoop Dreams
(Sportsmanship; Breaking Out; Talent; Alcohol and Drug Abuse; Ethical Emphasis: Responsibility Fairness; Subjects: Sports/Basketball; U.S. 1991 – Present & Illinois) [10+]
(Teamwork; Alcohol and Drug Abuse; Male Role Model; Father/Son; Ethical Emphasis: Trustworthiness, Responsibility, Caring; Subjects: Sports/Basketball; U.S. 1945 – 1991 & Indiana) [11+]
The Insider
(Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Families in Crisis, Marriage, Crime, Courage; Ethical Emphasis: Trustworthiness, Responsibility, Citizenship Subjects: U.S./1991 – present) [13+]
Moulin Rouge
(Alcohol and Drug Abuse; Disabilities; Talent; Ethical Emphasis: Responsibility; Subjects: Biography/Lautrec; Visual Arts; World/France) [13+]
Pay It Forward
(Alcohol and Drug Abuse; Mother/Son; Families in Crisis; Education; Disabilities; Ethical Emphasis: Responsibility; Caring; Citizenship; Subjects: U.S./1991 – Present) [12+]
The Pursuit of Happyness
(Father/Son; Parenting; Surviving, Work/Career; add the following SEL topics when using’s student handout for this film entitled Episodes in the Life of Chris Gardner (What’s Not in the Movie): Alcohol & Drug Abuse; Breaking Out; Spousal Abuse; Child Abuse; Education; Male Role Model; Ambition; Ethical Emphasis: Caring; Subjects: U.S./1991 – present and Biography) [12+]
A Raisin in the Sun
(Alcohol and Drug Abuse; Marriage; Families in Crisis; Female Role Model; Ethical Emphasis: Respect; Fairness; Subjects: U.S./1945 – 1991, Diversity & Illinois; Drama/U.S.) [12+]

Requiem for a Dream
(2000) MPAA Rating R for intense depiction of drug addiction, graphic sexuality, strong language, and some violence; Director: Darren Aronofsky. This film shows the self-destruction of the major characters, young and old, through addiction to heroin, cocaine, and diet pills (speed). At the beginning of the story they have dreams, but by the end, they are lost due to their addictions. Watching this movie is a searing life experience that will leave vivid memories and perhaps nightmares for years. TWM recommends that this film is shown to those over the age of 16 who are at substantial risk of becoming addicted to a drug or who are already dealing with an addiction. No guide is necessary for this movie. Just put it on let them watch. For minors, teachers should obtain a release from their parents before showing the film.
Show Boat
(Marriage; Romantic Relationships; Alcohol and Drug Abuse; Gambling Addiction; Ethical Emphasis: Respect; Subjects: U.S./1865 – 1913 & Diversity; Cinema; Drama/Musicals; Dance/Performance) [11+]
Smoke Signals
(Alcohol and Drug Abuse; Father/Son; Grieving; Child Abuse; Ethical Emphasis: Caring (Forgiving); Subjects: U.S./1991 – present, Diversity (Native American) & Idaho) [12+]
A Tree Grows In Brooklyn
(Alcohol and Drug Abuse; Education; Families in Crisis; Father/Daughter; Grieving; Ethical Emphasis: Responsibility; Caring; Subjects: U.S./1913 – 1929, Diversity & New York;) [9+]
A Tale of Two Cities
(Alcohol and Drug Abuse; Rebellion; Redemption; Romantic Relationships; Ethical Emphasis: Caring; Subjects (Literature/England; World/France & England) [12+]
When a Man Loves a Woman
(Alcohol & Drug Abuse; Romantic Relationships; Marriage; Parenting; Father/daughter; Ethical Emphasis: Caring; Subjects: U.S./1991 – present) [13+]